Face to Face


Face to face (& body to body)

90 min sessions in Byron Bay

Taste Test – 90 mins introduction

These sessions are where most people start. We’ll set the scene for your journey with some initial questions and then have a chat on the phone to make sure that I’m the right person to support you with what you’re wanting.

The sessions in person are a combination of talk and touch.

Talk – sometimes it’s just really valuable to have a chance to share important things with someone who’s paying attention and not judging anything. In this part of the session I can also offer you insights, guidance and different perspectives on what’s going on and suggest specific actions that might be necessary for you.

Touch – much of the potency of my work comes via the tactile element that I incorporate. We will often begin this part of the session by standing together in an embrace. This allows me to pick up on much of what’s driving things for you at an unconscious level. I might also get you to lie on the massage table so that I can work more comprehensively over your whole body or we might lie together on the futon.

Ongoing 90 min sessions – monthly, fortnightly or weekly

Whatever the frequency you choose, the structure of the following sessions will remain the same as in the introductory session: talk and touch. As you progress, there should be more and more intimacy available in each experience with me.

It is usual to start with more frequent sessions (weekly/fortnightly) and then taper down over time as you gain significant momentum.

Please note that I don’t jump right into doing naked tantric work with people. There are many, many subtleties to be nurtured in the body in order that significant gains are long lasting. Clients who achieve the best outcomes are those who embrace the opportunity to build really solid foundations from the beginning.


Arranging a session:

Most typically the sequence of contact from inquiry to appointment goes  like this:

1. Initial questions answered (button below).
2. 5-10 min phone call so that you can get more of a feel for me and to ask any questions you might have.
3. Establish a booking time that suits for your 90 min Introduction (Taste Test).
4. Pay up front via this page to confirm your session.



Taste Test …………….. 90 min Introduction …….       $330/session

Easy Does It …………. 90 mins every Month     ….   . $360/session
The Middle Road …. 90 mins every Fortnight ….. . $340/session       *most popular
The Fast Track …….. 90 mins every Week ………     .$320/session

Follow Up …….          . 90 mins One Off ………           .$370/session

$330 booking confirmation